March 13, 2020

MCV endorses Bullock for U.S. Senate

Montana governor ‘brings people together to do what’s right’

(BILLINGS, Mont.)  – The Montana Conservation Voters Congressional Action Fund, MCV’s federal Political Action Committee, today proudly announced its endorsement of Governor Steve Bullock in his bid to serve in the U.S. Senate.

“As our Governor Steve Bullock continually brings people together to do what’s right for Montana—rising above partisan politics to protect our public lands, our clean air and water, and our voting rights,” said MCV Deputy Director Whitney Tawney. “Unlike Montana’s current junior senator, Steve Bullock doesn’t just tell Montanans what they want to hear about public lands; he has a strong record as a conservation champion and he actually listens to the people he serves. The U.S. Senate needs more leaders like Steve Bullock, and our organization will do everything it can to help get him elected.”

The independent board of MCV’s Congressional Action Fund made a unanimous decision to endorse Bullock after inviting all candidates from all parties to seek the organization’s endorsement. MCV endorsed Bullock during both of his gubernatorial campaigns in 2016 and 2012, and in 2008, when Bullock successfully ran to become Montana’s Attorney General.

“I have a long history of working with MCV to strengthen our outdoor economy and heritage,” said Governor Bullock. “I’m grateful for MCV’s endorsement and look forward to continuing to work together to fight for Montana’s clean air, clean water and public lands.”

As Governor, Bullock has protected Montana’s public lands from repeated attacks from special interests and fringe politicians, he has taken steps to address the climate crisis, and he successfully fought the influence of dark money in elections. Bullock did so while working with a Republican majority in the Montana Legislature.  

Senator Steve Daines, who has failed to deliver on repeated promises to protect funding for Montana’s public lands, did not even bother to respond to MCV’s endorsement invitation. Daines recently earned an abysmal 29 percent in a national congressional scorecard on key conservation votes.

More information about Bullock’s campaign can be found at his website:

In 2019 the MCV Congressional Action Fund endorsed Kathleen Williams in her bid to serve as Montana’s lone representative in the U.S. House.



The Montana Conservation Voters Congressional Action Fund is the affiliated federal Political Action Committee of Montana Conservation Voters, a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. The MCV Action Fund works to elect conservation leaders to Congress.

Whitney Tawney
Montana Conservation Voters