Join us for our first in-person gala in two years! We are so excited to gather with you in Livingston on Thursday, October 6 at 5:00 pm.
The annual event is our largest fundraising event of the year, so join us to support MCV’s mission while also enjoying a fun evening of local food, drink, entertainment and special speakers, U.S. Senator Jon Tester and Andrew Posewitz.
Your ticket gets you access to a delicious meal of local flavors from Crazy Mountain Catering and facetime with special guests passionate about conservation in Montana. Plus, we’ll have a silent auction that will give you a chance to win unique experiences across Montana like a two-day river trip on the Lochsa. Bid on our silent auction items from now until 12:00 pm on Thursday, October 6. We’ll resume bidding in person at the Gala!
Lisa & Tom Cordingley
Robin Tawney Nichols & Dr. William Nichols
David & Monica Paoli
CB Pearson
Penny Ronning
The Honorable Max Baucus & Mel Hanes
Gary & Norma Buchanan
Jock Conyngham & Emi Kodama
Sally Ericsson
Denise Hayman & Michael Scott
Jim Hamilton
Bill & Jan Lombardi
Jill Lombardi & Max Croes
The Lore Kann Foundation
Andrew & Kelly Posewitz
Karla Raettig
Chris Saeger
Jeanne Marie Souvigney & Bob Raney
Monica Tranel
Juanita Vero & Dr. Matthew Rinella