A special thank you to our event sponsors!


Harder Foundation
Robin Tawney Nichols & William Nichols
Western Conservation Foundation


The Honorable Max Baucus & Melodee Hanes
Clearwater Credit Union
Sally Ericsson & Tom Garwin
Graybill Law Firm
Navigate Campaigns
Protect Our Winters


Cathy Finney
Forward Montana
Rep. Connie Keogh
Lake Research Partners
Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Montana Wildlife Federation
Reilly Neill
Stacey Otterstrom
C.B. Pearson
Renewable Northwest
Chris Saeger
John & Debbie Svaldi
Pete & Leah Talbot
Trust for Public Land


Billings Times
Jock Conyngham
Harris Compliance & Consulting
Steve Held
Bert Lindler & Kristi Dubois
Jill Lombardi
Jeremiah & Teri Lynch
Montana Environmental Information Center
Montana Sportsmen Alliance
National Wildlife Federation Action Fund
OnSite Energy
John Repke
Steven Sheriff
Tresa Smith
Roger Sullivan
Chuck & Joanie Tooley