May 30, 2024

Montana Outdoor Values Action Fund releases statewide TV ad taking on Tim Sheehy for his attacks on public lands

(BOZEMAN, Mont.) – The Montana Outdoor Values Action Fund, the federal super political action committee of Montana Conservation Voters, today released a new television ad taking on candidate for U.S. Senate Tim Sheehy, who has vowed to end protections for Montana’s public lands. 

The 30-second spot, titled “Signs” features Andrew Posewitz, a Montana sportsman who depends on access to public lands to hunt and fish.

Tim Sheehy has made it clear he doesn’t care about the lands we’ve hunted, fished, hiked and grown up on,” said MCV’s Executive Director Whitney Tawney. “Montanans can’t afford another out of touch politician trying to sell off our public lands, we need proven leaders like Senator Tester fighting to protect the public lands we all hold dear.” 

The ad is available online HERE.

“Places we’ve hunted and fished for years are being closed off,” Posewitz states in the ad. “And you want to know what? Tim Sheehy would make it worse. He’s out there saying he would end protections for public lands.”

“Signs” is backed up by a 7-figure buy that will run statewide on broadcast and cable television.

“That means we could lose access to all of these incredible places. And more of these places could get sold off to rich out of staters like him. It’s great if you’re Tim Sheehy. Terrible for the rest of us.”

Backup documentation for “Signs” is available online HERE.

The Montana Outdoor Values Action Fund has endorsed Senator Jon Tester, a stalwart public lands champion, in his reelection bid to the U.S. Senate.