Connect. Protect. Elect.

Holding government accountable in Billings

What the Public Service Commission is supposed to do:

“One of the smallest agencies in Montana state government, the Montana Public Service Commission (PSC) strives to ensure that ratepayers have continued access to utility services that are affordable, reliable, and sustainable for the long-term. In pursuit of this goal, the PSC regulates the rates and service quality for investor owned electric, natural gas, water, waste-water, and legacy telecommunication companies. Though they differ in form and function, companies in these industries all have one thing in common, they are monopolies with a captive set of customers. It’s the PSC’s job to balance the interests of ratepayers who are concerned about utility rate increases, with the need to maintain a financially sound utility that is capable of providing reliable service.”

The reality:

May 2021: A routine audit of the Public Service Commission details improper behavior by elected public service commissioners, falsified documents, a lack of transparency, and a broad pattern of waste.  “Collectively, the results of our audit procedures cause us to doubt the integrity and competence of certain members of management and the commission.”

October 2023: The PSC approves NorthWestern Energy’s request to increase residential electricity bills by 28%. 

March 2024: The PSC admits to not doing their job. They admit to not always doing a thorough review, and now say that NorthWestern Energy hasn’t submitted a required long-term plan for bringing down costs.