January 23, 2020

MCV: New Clean Water Rule ‘Endangers Our Health and Our Outdoor Way of Life for Generations to Come’

Trump administration releases rule to gut clean water protections


(BOZEMAN, Mont.)  – Montana Conservation Voters released the following statement from Executive Director Aaron Murphy following President Trump’s rule replacement that amends the 1972 Clean Water Act:


170,000 miles of rivers, wetlands and waterways in Montana are now under tremendous threat. Anglers, hunters and conservationists across the state cannot take our clean water for granted and this latest attack endangers our health and our outdoor way of life for generations to come.”

Today, the Trump administration took the final step to repeal and replace a 2015 regulation clarifying which wetlands and waterways are protected under the Clean Water Act. The new rule will no longer require landowner and property developers to consult with the Environmental Protection Agency, allowing pollutants to directly be dumped in waterways and wetlands to be destroyed or filled by construction projects.


Montana Conservation Voters is a statewide non-partisan membership organization that is dedicated to fighting for Montana’s clean water and air, open spaces, wildlife and public health. MCV provides voter participation services to over 72,000 Montanans. Visit for more details.