April 22, 2020

Montana Students share Earth Day concerns with leaders via video

Focused on public lands and climate change, Montana students say: ‘Unless we do something, it’s only going to get worse and we’re literally running out of time.’

(BOZEMAN, Mont.) – In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in the era of social distancing, the Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund partnered with the Forward Montana Foundation on a virtual organizing project to give a platform to concerned high school students across the state.

Students submitted “selfie”-style messages that were edited into one video with a unified message about the importance of Montana’s 38 million acres of public lands and the crisis of climate change.

The new three-minute video is available online HERE.

The MCV Education Fund and the Forward Montana Foundation today sent the video to Montana’s elected decision-makers, including Governor Steve Bullock, U.S. Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines, and Congressman Greg Gianforte.

“If the global climate crisis is not addressed, these spaces I’ve come to love will be drastically altered or destroyed in the near future,” says Quinn of Great Falls.

And “if our climate keeps warming, that means no snow and no snow means no skiing,” follows Robby of Billings.

“Climate action is important because we can already see the harm climate change has done to our farmers and the public lands that make Montana so special,” adds Katherine of Bozeman.

 “Fighting climate change has to be a priority so me and the rest of my generation can have a future,” says Claire of Bozeman.

Katherine of Bozeman wraps up with, “Unless we do something, it’s only going to get worse and we’re literally running out of time. We need policy and action right now.”


Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund (MCVEF) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to educate citizens and organizations in the basic techniques of effective civic engagement to further environmental and conservation goals. MCVEF programs educate the public about critical environmental and public lands issues; promote greater nonpartisan citizen involvement in the democratic process; and provide strategic tools to conservation organizations to be more effective.

Whitney Tawney
Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund