
MCV: “Supreme Court decision protects public lands in Montana and beyond”

Article  |  1.13.2025

Montana Conservation Voters applauds ruling rejecting Utah’s lawsuit, safeguarding access to public lands for future generations

MCV: “Zinke and Downing failed Montanans by voting against keeping public lands in public hands”

Article  |  1.7.2025

New U.S. House Rules Package puts Montana’s public lands and access at risk

Team MCV expands regional organizing efforts for long-term impact

Article  |  1.7.2025

Conservation organization deepens community engagement and advocacy efforts for Montana’s public lands, water and air

Team MCV announces final round of endorsements

Article  |  8.19.2024

Conservation group backs eight additional candidates for Attorney General, State Legislature and Missoula Board of County Commissioners

State Senator Claims Unprecedented Right to Government Secrecy

Article  |  6.20.2024

On June 13, 2024, a group of Montana voters responded to Senator Keith Regier’s unprecedented attempt to avoid discovery of  documents related to partisan gerrymandering of the Public Service Commission (“PSC”). 

Team MCV announces post-primary endorsements

Article  |  6.20.2024

Conservation group backs 19 additional candidates for State Legislature

New ad from Montana Outdoor Values Action Fund challenges Tim Sheehy’s position on ending protections for and access to public lands

Article  |  6.20.2024

The 30-second spot, titled “No Access” decries the loss of access to public lands because of hobby ranches like Sheehy’s and his promise to end protections for federal public lands.

Who We Are

Video  |  6.19.2024

Montana Outdoor Values Action Fund releases statewide TV ad taking on Tim Sheehy for his attacks on public lands

Article  |  5.30.2024

Watch “Signs,” featuring a Montana sportsman, HERE

Team MCV endorses 13 additional candidates ahead of 2024 primary

Article  |  5.30.2024

Conservation group backs candidates for Secretary of State, Superintendent of Public Instruction, State Auditor, and State Legislature

Team MCV announces Montana Supreme Court endorsements

Article  |  4.30.2024

Conservation group backs Judge Jerry Lynch and Judge Katherine Bidegaray for Montana Supreme Court.

District Court rules partisan gerrymandering is likely unconstitutional

Article  |  3.7.2024

A Lewis and Clark County district judge held that the current Public Service Commission (PSC) district map likely is an illegal partisan gerrymander.

MCV hosts Annual Member Celebration with Sen. Tester, Montana Poet Laureate Chris La Tray

Article  |  3.7.2024

Over 200 people gathered at the Montana Conservation Voters’ Annual Member Celebration at the Windsor Ballroom on March 1 in Helena.

Gov. Schweitzer calls for strong PSC candidates

Article  |  2.15.2024

Virtual event with former Gov. Brian Schweitzer and former PSC Commissioner Tom Schneider takes PSC to task while calling for PSC candidates

Court requires Governor, Secretary of State to move forward with Senate Bill 442 override vote

Article  |  1.16.2024

The Lewis and Clark County District Court issued a ruling requiring Governor Gianforte to take the appropriate steps to allow the Montana Legislature to vote on overriding his veto of Senate Bill 442.

Team MCV endorses Ryan Busse for Governor

Article  |  12.19.2023

MCV touts Busse's outspoken dedication to Montana values

MCV endorses Monica Tranel for First Congressional District

Article  |  12.19.2023

MCV touts Tranel’s background fighting for Montanans

Plaintiffs Seek to Enjoin Gerrymandered PSC Map

Article  |  12.5.2023

Montana voters and the nonprofit Montana Conservation Voters filed a motion for preliminary injunction to prevent the State from holding the next Public Service Commission election under a gerrymandered map.

Conservation Candidates Win Across State in Municipal Races

Article  |  11.8.2023

15 MCV-Endorsed Candidates Win in Municipal Elections


Article  |  11.6.2023

Montana Conservation Voters and the Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund seek an energetic Communications Manager to handle their public relations and creatively boost communications programs.

MCV files suit challenging gerrymandered Public Service Commission map ahead of 2024 election

Article  |  10.30.2023

Lawsuit made necessary by the Montana Legislature’s Senate Bill 109 signed into law by Governor Gianforte

MCV endorses U.S. Senator Jon Tester for reelection

Article  |  10.19.2023

(BOZEMAN, Mont.) – Montana Conservation Voters formally endorsed Big Sandy farmer Jon Tester in his reelection campaign for the U.S. Senate. “Montana Conservation Voters is an organization that gets the job done through its tireless work to keep Montana the Last Best Place,” said Senator Tester. “It’s because of work like yours that we’re going to pass common sense solutions for Montana like the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act. I’m proud of this endorsement, and I’ll continue to stand with Montanans as we fight to protect our public lands and ensure future generations enjoy our clean air and water.”

MCV endorses U.S. Senator Jon Tester’s Reelection While Hosting State Candidates and Elected Officials with special guest Supaman

Article  |  10.18.2023

Tonight nearly 200 gathered for Montana Conservation Voters’ Annual Gala at the Livingston Depot. Montana’s senior U.S. Senator Jon Tester, state elected officials,  candidates and conservation partners from across the state gathered to support MCV’s mission to protect Montana’s public lands, clean air and clean waters. At the event, MCV Executive Director Whitney Tawney also announced the endorsement of Senator Tester for his 2024 reelection.

MCV Completes 2023 Municipal Endorsements

Article  |  10.10.2023

The Montana Conservation Voters Action Fund, MCV’s affiliated Political Action Committee, announced its final list of endorsements for pro-conservation candidates running in Montana’s municipal elections which take place on  November 7, 2023.  “Protecting Montana’s clean air, clean water, public lands, and democracy starts at the local level,” said MCV Action Fund Chair Jill Lombardi. “We feel confident that these candidates will fight for conservation while they work for the betterment of their communities.”

Montanans to Rosendale: Don’t shut down our livelihoods and Parks

Article  |  9.29.2023

A looming government shutdown supported by Rosendale threatens local communities and small businesses as the Interior Department announces the closure of our National Parks. Montana Conservation Voters released the following statement from Executive Director Whitney Tawney in response to the U.S. Department of Interior’s announcement that they will close National Parks during a federal government shutdown supported by U.S. Congressman Matt Rosendale: “Congressman Rosendale has forced the Interior Department to make the tough decision to close our Parks without a second thought to our local communities and small businesses. We are disappointed in Congressman Rosendale’s lack of leadership to do the right thing for the Big Sky State and will hold him accountable for putting our livelihoods and outdoor opportunities at risk.”

Montanans Call on Congressman Rosendale: Don’t Play Politics with our National Parks

Article  |  9.22.2023

For Immediate Release September 22, 2023  Montanans Call on Congressman Rosendale: Don’t Play Politics with our National Parks Rosendale continues to support a federal government shut down despite the dire impacts on Montana's public lands (BOZEMAN, Mont.) –Congressman Matt Rosendale is being showcased nationally as one of a handful of Republicans in the U.S. House who are supporting a federal government shutdown. Rosendale has repeatedly stated on the record that he would block spending bills which would pave the way for a federal government shutdown October 1, 2023. Despite his support for a shutdown, he has not stated how he plans to mitigate the impact on Montanans. During the last shutdown, which lasted more than 30 days, in our national parks garbage and toilets overflowed and natural features at some of the nations’ most prized public lands were destroyed. In Montana, local small businesses had to foot the bill to keep Yellowstone National Park trails groomed and safe. 

MCV: “Daines’ insider-deal to give away our prized public lands is exactly the wrong approach to responsible land management”

Article  |  9.21.2023

Today, Montana Conservation Voters released the following statement from Executive Director Whitney Tawney in response to two bills passing out of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resource Committee -  Senator Jon Tester’s Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act and Senator Steve Daines’ misleading Montana Sportsmen Conservation Act: “BCSA moving forward is a great day for Montana and a responsible Montana-made solution to protect the Last Best Place. But Senator Daines’ insider-deal to give away our prized public lands is exactly the wrong approach to responsible land management. Unfortunately, crafting legislation with DC lobbyists in back offices rather than the kitchen tables of Montanans is repeat history for Senator Daines. We look forward to working with Montanans locally and statewide to hold our elected officials accountable to their records - good and bad.”


Article  |  9.14.2023

Montana Conservation Voters and the Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund seek motivated Field Organizers to engage Montanans one-on-one on a variety of vital conservation issues important to protecting Montana as the Last Best Place. This boots-on-the-ground role requires passion, organization and the ability to work on one's own. MCV is currently hiring in Flathead County for Field Organizers for the upcoming election cycle.


Article  |  9.14.2023

Montana Conservation Voters and the Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund seek motivated Field Organizers to engage Montanans one-on-one on a variety of vital conservation issues important to protecting Montana as the Last Best Place. This boots-on-the-ground role requires passion, organization and the ability to work on one's own. MCV is currently hiring in Bozeman for Field Organizers for the upcoming election cycle.

MCV Announces First Round of Municipal Endorsements

Article  |  9.11.2023

The Montana Conservation Voters Action Fund, MCV’s affiliated Political Action Committee, announced its first round of endorsements for pro-conservation municipal candidates running across the state in 2023.  “Protecting Montana’s clean air, clean water, public lands, and democracy starts at the local level,” said MCV Action Fund Chair Jill Lombardi. “We feel confident that these candidates will fight for conservation while they work for the betterment of their communities.” The MCV’s independent PAC board endorsed the following candidates:


Article  |  9.7.2023

Montana Conservation Voters and the Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund seek motivated Field Organizers to engage Montanans one-on-one on a variety of vital conservation issues important to protecting Montana as the Last Best Place. This boots-on-the-ground role requires passion, organization and the ability to work on one's own. MCV is currently hiring in Billings for Field Organizers for the upcoming municipal election.

Permanent protection of the Badger-Two Medicine: The Last Best Place Keeps Getting Better!

Article  |  9.1.2023

Today Montana Conservation Voters released the following statement from Executive Director Whitney Tawney in response to the announcement by the U.S. Departments of the Interior and Agriculture that, as part of a settlement with the sole remaining lessee, the final federal oil and gas lease in the Badger-Two Medicine area will be relinquished: “With action like this, the Last Best Place keeps getting better! Montanans are indebted to decades of work by Blackfeet Tribal leaders and many dedicated conservationists that led to this historic moment. We thank Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack for recognizing the importance of this landscape and working tirelessly to make sure development will never happen.”

Montana Kids Win! MCV Statement on Held v. Montana Ruling

Article  |  8.14.2023

Today, Montana Conservation Voters released the following statement from Executive Director Whitney Tawney in response to District court judge Kathy Seeley’s ruling in Held v. Montana, a case brought by a group of Montana youth who sued the state arguing that Montana must do more to consider how emissions and climate change impact Montana’s environment.  “Today’s ruling is a victory for all Montanans. Instead of passing laws that limit our ability to regulate pollution, the state now must consider how its policies affect the health and wellbeing of its citizens and environment. The ruling is also a reminder of the importance of Montana’s constitution, and we applaud the brave young Montanans who stood up to protect the rights and freedoms promised to everyone in this state.”

MCV Announces the Hiring of Jessica Lillie as Development Director

Article  |  7.25.2023

Today, Montana Conservation Voters and the MCV Education Fund announced the hiring of Jessica Lillie of Billings as Development Director. Montana-born and raised, Lillie has over 12 years of experience working in the nonprofit sector and holds a bachelor's degree in Political Science and a master's degree in Public Administration from the University of Montana. As MCV’s Development Director, Lillie will serve as MCV’s lead fundraiser, growing, cultivating, sustaining and developing robust relationships with MCV’s donor network to significantly increase MCV’s overall impact.


Article  |  6.13.2023

Montana Conservation Voters and the MCV Education Fund seek a dynamic Field Manager to lead an exciting advocacy program to build support for MCV’s political campaigns and program impact. Through launching an issue-based grassroots program, MCV’s Field Manager will engage Montanans of all stripes about the importance of local conservation wins and needs.

MCV Releases 2023 Legislative Scorecard

Article  |  5.24.2023

Following the 68th Session of the Montana Legislature, Montana Conservation Voters released its highly anticipated 2023 Legislative Scorecard. This comprehensive report evaluates the voting records of Montana’s legislators and highlights the shortcomings of state officials while celebrating those who remained committed to Montana’s public lands, clean air, and democracy.

MCV Condemns Gov. Gianforte Signing Bill that Limits the State's Ability to Access Impacts of Greenhouse Gas

Article  |  5.16.2023

Today, Montana Conservation Voters released the following statement from Executive Director Whitney Tawney in response to Montana’s Governor Greg Gianforte signing into law House Bill 971, a bill to limit the state Department of Environmental Quality’s ability to assess the greenhouse gas emissions impacts of power plants and coal mines:  “Montanans know the climate crisis is real. We see it in our forests, on our farms and ranches and in our rivers every year. Governor Gianforte’s plan to ignore the problem and strip the state’s ability to consider climate in its decision making is irresponsible and will impact our kids and our health. The Governor’s actions also weaken the Montana Environmental Policy Act, a foundational law that has kept Montana the Last Best Place for generations.” 

Montanans Show Strong Support for SB 442 Poll Override

Article  |  5.9.2023

In the last 72 hours, over 2,500 Montanans have signed a petition organized by Montana conservation groups supporting Sen. Mike Lang’s (R-Malta) request for the secretary of state to poll legislators regarding the governor’s recent veto of Senate Bill 442. The petition was delivered to Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen Monday afternoon. 

MCV Hosts Annual Member Celebration with Senator Tester, State Legislators, and Local Elected Leaders

Article  |  3.7.2023

Over 150 people gathered at the Montana Conservation Voters’ Annual Member Celebration at the Holter Museum of Art in Helena on Friday, March 3. Montana’s Senior Senator, Jon Tester, joined state legislators, local elected officials, and conservation partners from across the state at the sold-out event to support MCV’s mission to protect Montana’s clear air and water and public lands.

MCV Announces Montana Congressional Delegation Scores in LCV’s 2022 National Environmental Scorecard

Article  |  3.1.2023

Team MCV Increases Capacity with Two New Hires

Article  |  3.1.2023

Jocelyn Leroux and Anthony Licata will help execute the organization’s mission through public policy work and communications.

One of the First Zinke, Rosendale Votes Threatens Our Public Lands

Article  |  1.11.2023

MCV calls foul on Zinke and Rosendale's misplaced priorities that threaten Montana's way of life.

Conservation Candidates Win in Montana’s Midterm Elections

Article  |  11.9.2022

Today, Montana Conservation Voters celebrates the election wins across the state for MCV-endorsed candidates. While the Secretary of State is still calling races, MCV endorsed candidates claimed victory in nearly two dozen seats as of Wednesday afternoon.

MCV Announces Last Round of 2022 Candidate Endorsements

Article  |  10.11.2022

The Montana Conservation Voters Action Fund, MCV’s affiliated Political Action Committee, announced its final round of endorsements for five more pro-conservation candidates running for state and local office in 2022.

MCV Hosts Annual Gala with Senator Tester and Federal and State Candidates After Two-Year Hiatus

Article  |  10.11.2022

Today over 125 people gathered for Montana Conservation Voters’ Annual Gala at the Livingston Depot in Livingston. Montana’s Senior U.S. Senator Jon Tester, Justice Ingrid Gustafson, a federal Congressional candidate, several state legislative candidates and conservation partners from across the state gathered to support MCV’s mission to protect Montana’s public lands, clean air and clean waters.

MCV Celebrates Historic Climate Law at the White House

Article  |  9.13.2022

Today Montana Conservation Voters released the following statement from Executive Director Whitney Tawney in response to attending the White House’s celebration of the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the nearly two-year effort that resulted in historic invests to fight climate change


Article  |  8.19.2022

The Montana Conservation Voters seek well-organized canvassers to engage voters one-on-one in Bozeman about a variety of vital issues important to protecting Montana as the Last Best Place. This boots-on-the-ground role would be great for a person who can lean into important conversations, has a passion for conservation, strong sense of organization and the ability to work independently.

MCV Announces Next Round of Candidate Endorsements 

Article  |  8.18.2022

MCV Action Fund backs ten more candidates for state legislature and county commission